Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why is it...

that whenever I want to avoid something, I can find 1000 things to distract me, yet when I actually feel motivated about something 1000 things come up that prevent me from doing what needs to be done?

Friday, November 27, 2009

What exactly is Particle Board?

Some people call this wood... defines it this way:

any of various composition boards formed from small particles of wood, as flakes or shavings, tightly compressed and bonded together with a resin.

Wikipedia has an article on it here:

This crap should NEVER have been invented. It is the worst crap you can use to create anything that you would normally use wood for. It breaks easily, can't pound a nail through it without first drilling a hole otherwise it will pretty much shatter, nail pounded into it will pull out easily, and pretty much anything made with it will need to be replaced within 5 years (or at least you wish you would replace it that soon).

Unfortunately for me, I still own a printer stand that came with a desk I purchased back in 1989... 20 years... seems pretty good. I'm using it now as a TV stand and am just too lazy to replace it with the kind of stand it should have. The desk went to the fire pit long ago, along with a couple of entertainment centers.

Some genius decided it would be a good idea to make cabinet drawers out of it. I'm currently working on replacing the 4th drawer. There are still 14 more to be replaced, however, they are not bad enough to warrent my attention yet... one crisis at a time please :)

Should you ever have a chance to choice between particle board and plywood or, cost allowing, solid wood. Go with the plywood or solid wood if you can afford it. Avoid particle board at all costs...

Been an even longer while... :(

So, growing up I used to think that it would bite living out in the country. But now, everytime I walk outside in the dark and see the stars I think it is truely the best place to live.

No cars constantly driving by, no street lights, no smog. Just clear night air where you can see the vastness of space....

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