Saturday, October 8, 2011

Some Progress

I got the majority of the wires in place... have maybe 8 left then I think I have to mount a couple caps, LEDs and resistors then I can start on the other board... still have a lot of work to do but at least its moving along again.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Not much progress

Have been pretty burnt out from work so I haven't done much on the cube.  Will fix that this weekend :)

Here are a couple of pictures of the circuit board in its current state.  As you can see, I've started putting on the wires... there will be 56 of them.  Also got the solder braid and cleaned up the spots that bugged me.

If you look closely on the right of the picture you can see where I glued the circuit board.  Its holding nicely so I'm continuing on.

Talked to one of my friends today (hi Jon!) and he gave me some good ideas on the base so I will be exploring that.  He also sent some links to interesting things...  One for a power module that might actually work out for my cube so I'll probably buy a couple just for fun ( and a couple of videos related to an astromech project that he is working on... Not sure I'm willing to take on a project like that but it sure looks cool.  Maybe next year? :)

Update:  HOLY COW the shipping is expensive on those Pololu things... $18 for 2 $15 parts... wtf

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Slow Progress

It appears that the glue I used is holding so we should be good.  I'm continuing on with the board.

I forgot how much detail work there is in soldering.  Lots of tiny little solder joints not to mention tiny wires.  I have to put on 72 wires yet.  Not really looking forward to it but it has to be done or I'll never get the board done.  The board I'm working on right now is the one that connects to the LEDs and even if I was using an arduino I would have to have this board... ah well.  It is what it is.

I think I have all the parts I need, the only thing I need yet is some solder braid to wick out some mistakes... but I can probably live without it...

On a side note, I would not recommend getting the PanaVise Jr.  It does the job but just barely.  I should have sprung for the full Panavise... it was only 3x the price... :)
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