Sunday, February 8, 2015

Aaaaaannnnndddd.... we're back...

Wow.... what a long time to have left this alone.  So much has happened in the last 2 years that I can't even begin to write it all down.

Personal: We got our Black Belts in both Open Hand and Kobudo.  Soon to have our 2nd in Open Hand.  Have been teaching a lot.  Built some shelves for my oldest.  Put in new windows and blinds all around.  Changed hosts and in the process lost the CNAME for this site... forgot to fix that with the new host and finally figured out how to do it.

Work: They got rid of my group, pushed me onto another, and I finally moved to a third of my own free will.  Get to travel to the corp offices soon.  My bud started working with me then left for greener pastures.  Another bud retired.  The company is in the process of being purchased.

All in all a very entertaining 2 years.  The future still looks bright with God and my girl and family by my side.

Lets hope I remember to update this some. :)
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