Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cool ASCII Text Generator

Found this cool ASCII Text generator awhile ago... thought I would share with you

________            __________                   
___  __ \_____________  /___(_)___  ________ ___ 
__  /_/ /  _ \_  __ \  __/_  /_  / / /_  __ `__ \
_  ____//  __/  / / / /_ _  / / /_/ /_  / / / / /
/_/     \___//_/ /_/\__/ /_/  \__,_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ 
________       _____                 
___  __ \_________(_)______ ________ 
__  /_/ /_  ___/_  /__  __ `__ \  _ \
_  ____/_  /   _  / _  / / / / /  __/
/_/     /_/    /_/  /_/ /_/ /_/\___/ 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Soda Can Airplane

Many, many, many moons ago, I was given a Soda Can Airplane made out of Mountain Dew cans. I've always wanted to make another but with the "Pitch Black" Mt Dew cans.

I've looked all over the Internet for 'free' plans but no one has them.

I found this site today: that at least gives me good instructions on how to cut the cans.

Now if I can just figure out how to build a duplicate of the one I have I'd be really happy. My boys would be very happy too because they would get one :)

I also found a site that sells plans for making a corsair (my favorite plane... probably due to Black Sheep Squadron), but I'm thinking I'm too cheap to buy them... at least for now... Someone else can feel free to buy them and send them to me... :D
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