Friday, March 16, 2012

Da Cube

I started on the other board and as I was putting the pieces on, I found that I forgot to order a few parts :(

I will continue to work on the board as much as I can until the new parts arrive (2 - 3 weeks).  Ah well...  at least I found a new supplier that had less expensive parts :)  (

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cube Progress

I've been ignoring the cube for quite awhile now because I hit a part that just kept confusing me every time I looked at it.  So I brought it to work and had one of my coworkers glance at it and he helped me get past my confusion.

I've now got the first board completed (I think).  I ran through a bunch of the connections for continuity and the ones that should work do.  I did have to fix a couple of broken wires but overall everything went well.

I will be starting on the second board shortly so hopefully I'll be able to get it up and running before April.
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