Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A new update

Another year and a half has gone by since I last posted.  Lets do a quick catch up...

Work is good, boss is good, doing a lot of coding (both web & winform based) and generally just being awesome at what I do :)

Most recently, I built a replacement for my 300 CD changer using a Raspberry PI 3, a 23" touch screen monitor and software called SilverJuke.  Makes playing ripped CDs really easy.  I did have to make an enhanced interface so the buttons were bigger for the monitor.

Got a bunch of landscaping done (paid for it) that we have wanted done for 2+ years.

Replaced the dishwasher.

Freezer died, lost a bunch of food, bought a new one, moved on.

Really hate the COVID restrictions but working from home has turned out to be better than expected.

Miss my friends

Got a LOTR

Playing pinball randomly.
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