If you look back, you'll see I've mentioned some backup files that I've had laying around for a long time. I had taken some backups of my Dos / Windows hard drives circa 1995 to tape, then DD'd the tapes to a Linux box circa 2002 and just grabbed the files. I can't remember what software I used to create the backups, but I always assumed it was Norton Desktop.
Yesterday while I was wandering the internet I came across a mention of Central Point Backup. I seem to recall having that at one point too so maybe that is what I used.
I did find a github project that talks about that format here https://github.com/RetroReversing/retroReversing/blob/master/tools/CentralPointBackupVisualizer.html#L31 and at some point I'll compare my notes with what that project says. I just wanted to record it here so I wouldn't lose it :)
Someday I hope to create a program to read the files and extract the files in them to see if there is anything of importance in there (BBS System files I hope!).