Now, I had a need to be able to scroll the Hires Screen left or right. Thanks to a series of articles by David Lubar in Creative Computing called The Graph Paper (October 1982 -> March 1983) and an article called Lookup Tables (March 1982) I had a very good understanding of how each byte in memory made up the picture that was displayed so I wrote the following code using the SC Macro Assembler. This version of the code did the scroll left.
The 'Lookup Table' allowed me to access each line of the hires screen directly and in order (since the screen was 'interlaced').
BTW, comments are for losers. :)
1000 .OR $6000
1020 .LIST OFF
1040 TABLHI .HS 2024282C3034383C
1050 .HS 2024282C3034383C
1060 .HS 2125292D3135393D
1070 .HS 2125292D3135393D
1080 .HS 22262A2E32363A3E
1090 .HS 22262A2E32363A3E
1100 .HS 23272B2F33373B3F
1110 .HS 23272B2F33373B3F
1120 .HS 2024282C3034383C
1130 .HS 2024282C3034383C
1140 .HS 2125292D3135393D
1150 .HS 2125292D3135393D
1160 .HS 22262A2E32363A3E
1170 .HS 22262A2E32363A3E
1180 .HS 23272B2F33373B3F
1190 .HS 23272B2F33373B3F
1200 .HS 2024282C3034383C
1210 .HS 2024282C3034383C
1220 .HS 2125292D3135393D
1230 .HS 2125292D3135393D
1240 .HS 22262A2E32363A3E
1250 .HS 22262A2E32363A3E
1260 .HS 23272B2F33373B3F
1270 .HS 23272B2F33373B3F
1280 TABLLO .HS 0000000000000000
1290 .HS 8080808080808080
1300 .HS 0000000000000000
1310 .HS 8080808080808080
1320 .HS 0000000000000000
1330 .HS 8080808080808080
1340 .HS 0000000000000000
1350 .HS 8080808080808080
1360 .HS 2828282828282828
1370 .HS A8A8A8A8A8A8A8A8
1380 .HS 2828282828282828
1390 .HS A8A8A8A8A8A8A8A8
1400 .HS 2828282828282828
1410 .HS A8A8A8A8A8A8A8A8
1420 .HS 2828282828282828
1430 .HS A8A8A8A8A8A8A8A8
1440 .HS 5050505050505050
1450 .HS D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0
1460 .HS 5050505050505050
1470 .HS D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0
1480 .HS 5050505050505050
1490 .HS D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0
1500 .HS 5050505050505050
1510 .HS D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0
1520 HERE STA $C050
1530 STA $C057
1540 STA $C054
1550 STA $C052
1560 LDX #$00
1580 STA $F0
1600 STA $F1
1610 CLC
1620 LDY #$27
1630 A6 LDA ($F0),Y
1640 ROL
1650 BCC A1
1660 ROR
1670 BCC A2
1680 SEC
1690 ROR
1710 JMP A3
1720 A2 ROL
1730 CLC
1740 ROR
1750 SEC
1760 ROR
1770 JMPA3
1780 A1 ROR
1790 BCC A4
1800 ROL
1810 SEC
1820 ROR
1830 A4 ROR
1840 A3 STA ($F0),Y
1850 ROR
1860 DEY
1870 BMI A5
1880 ROL
1890 JMP A6
1900 A5 INX
1910 CPX #$C0
1920 BNE A7
1930 RTS
And the code to scroll right looks like this:
1000 .OR $6000
1020 .LIST OFF
1040 TABLHI .HS 2024282C3034383C
1050 .HS 2024282C3034383C
1060 .HS 2125292D3135393D
1070 .HS 2125292D3135393D
1080 .HS 22262A2E32363A3E
1090 .HS 22262A2E32363A3E
1100 .HS 23272B2F33373B3F
1110 .HS 23272B2F33373B3F
1120 .HS 2024282C3034383C
1130 .HS 2024282C3034383C
1140 .HS 2125292D3135393D
1150 .HS 2125292D3135393D
1160 .HS 22262A2E32363A3E
1170 .HS 22262A2E32363A3E
1180 .HS 23272B2F33373B3F
1190 .HS 23272B2F33373B3F
1200 .HS 2024282C3034383C
1210 .HS 2024282C3034383C
1220 .HS 2125292D3135393D
1230 .HS 2125292D3135393D
1240 .HS 22262A2E32363A3E
1250 .HS 22262A2E32363A3E
1260 .HS 23272B2F33373B3F
1270 .HS 23272B2F33373B3F
1280 TABLLO .HS 0000000000000000
1290 .HS 8080808080808080
1300 .HS 0000000000000000
1310 .HS 8080808080808080
1320 .HS 0000000000000000
1330 .HS 8080808080808080
1340 .HS 0000000000000000
1350 .HS 8080808080808080
1360 .HS 2828282828282828
1370 .HS A8A8A8A8A8A8A8A8
1380 .HS 2828282828282828
1390 .HS A8A8A8A8A8A8A8A8
1400 .HS 2828282828282828
1410 .HS A8A8A8A8A8A8A8A8
1420 .HS 2828282828282828
1430 .HS A8A8A8A8A8A8A8A8
1440 .HS 5050505050505050
1450 .HS D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0
1460 .HS 5050505050505050
1470 .HS D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0
1480 .HS 5050505050505050
1490 .HS D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0
1500 .HS 5050505050505050
1510 .HS D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0
1520 HERE STA $C050
1530 STA $C057
1540 STA $C054
1550 STA $C052
1560 LDX #$00
1580 STA $F0
1600 STA $F1
1610 CLC
1620 LDY #$00
1630 A6 LDA ($F0),Y
1640 ROL
1650 BCC A1
1660 ROL
1670 BCC A2
1680 SEC
1690 ROR
1700 SEC
1710 BCS A3
1720 A2 SEC
1730 ROR
1740 CLC
1750 BCC A3
1760 A1 ROL
1770 BCC A4
1780 CLC
1790 ROR
1800 SEC
1810 BCS A3
1820 A4 CLC
1830 ROR
1840 CLC
1850 A3 STA ($F0),Y
1860 ROR
1870 INY
1880 CPY #$28
1890 BEQ A5
1900 ROL
1910 JMP A6
1920 A5 INX
1930 CPX #$C0
1940 BNE A7
1950 RTS
The code is very close but there are some important differences (like line 1620, 00 starts on the left of the line and #27 starts on the right of the line).
Now, you may ask, Why did I bother posting this? Because I could and I felt like sharing. I do have some old notebook pages I found with some hand written code on them that I'm going to scan in and post here at some point in the near future.